Media Blog

Saturday, 4 March 2017

My Front Cover Mock Ups - Own Images

In this variation, I tried to experiment with the different colours present on my front cover. I used the gold on the crown and implemented it into the strap line "World Exclusive". Upon reflection, I feel that the gold colour is far to drawing and distracting for it to be in my final cover. I will, however, use the visual aspects of the strap lines on the left hand side of the page due to its originality and visual flair.

In this variation, I tried to experiment with the size of the main image. I made the image zoom out until the majority of the models body was visible. This in turn gave me more room to experiment with the various conventions such as the strap lines and the headline. However, upon reflection, I feel that using a long-shot of my artist takes away from the main image, which thus lowers its impact. I will, however, use the QR code and "Brit Awards" feature due to them being common conventions on music magazines.

With this mock up, I experimented with the positioning of my masthead as well as the inclusion of a banner. I also experimented with things such as drop shadows in which I added one behind the "294" songs of 2017 strap line. I also replaced the "He has Risen" sub heading with "All Hail The King" just to see the visual difference and impact it would have on my front cover. I chose for my banner to read "Glastonbury" and used the same monochrome colour scheme for the backdrop. Upon reflection, I feel that having my masthead run vertically down the left hand side of the page takes away from the main image and makes it seem uneven and unprofessional. I will, however, keep the pug/starburst in the same place due to its current position being a common convention.

In this variation, I focused heavily on strap lines and their visual style. I decided to add a collection of strap lines to the left of the page consisting of "294 songs of 2017", "Prince" and "Royalty Laid To Rest". With this, I also used a variety of colours such as White, purple and red. I feel that this creation is effective and visually eye-catching, so I'll be implementing this in my final cover. 

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