Media Blog

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Analysis of different genre

Through analysing a different magazine genre, I have learnt about the importance of conventions and brand identity. I chose to analyse a front cover from “Kerrang Magazine" who are well known in the heavy metal industry. This, I felt, was a good genre to focus on as my chosen genre is Pop. These two genres of music are extremely different which in turn would allow me to identify features that would be inappropriate for a magazine of my chosen genre. For example, this Kerrang magazine has an extremely striking main image which adheres to a theme of horror. This would be inappropriate to feature in a pop magazine as it doesn’t follow the vibrant and bright conventions typically found in a pop magazine. Other features such as the headline and straplines also had features such as a splatter of blood. This, combined with the low key lighting really enforce this dark atmosphere that many heavy metal magazines have. Overall, through observing a different genre of magazine I have been able to identify why different features and conventions are used to portray their genre and how some are more appropriate to feature in different genres than others.

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