Media Blog

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Contents Page Layout

These are my six layout designs for my contents page. Through these visual syntax's I have stuck to the common conventions of a typical contents page.I feel that all my designs are varied and include all the features a good contents page should have. I've tried to include a good ratio of text and images, to ensure the visual success of this page. The contents title is given the same amount of space on each design. This is because I want it to be clear to the reader what page it is, and by having the title the largest feature on the page it will definitely inform the reader. 

With these visual syntaxes I've tried to experiment with the positioning of various features like the Starbursts, text and images. My text is arranged in columns, a common occurrence when it comes to the layouts of contents pages. Each starburst is placed strategically so it doesn't cover text, but is strong enough to stand out on its own. With regards to images, I've included a range of different sizes. If the image is large, it will be the only one on the page. However, I've also included more smaller images in some of my designs to experiment with the difference a variety of images can make.

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